WWE Smackdown Live Results play by play

WWE Smackdown Live Results (6/12): Nakamura Battles Hardy, Huge Six Women Tag Match Main Event, Final Hype For Money In The Bank

Interview: Jerry Lawler and AJ Styles

Lawler says Styles slapping Nakamura last week was great. It was like when Lawler slapped Andy Kaufman. Styles says he lost his cool. Styles says he should apologize. Styles thinks about it and says nah. Styles wishes he knocked Nakamura’s head off his shoulders. At MITB Styles is walking out of MITB the same way he walked in: as WWE Champion.

Backstage, Miz is asking a referee what he can and can’t do.

Samoa Joe vs Rusev w/Aiden English (The Miz is the Special Guest Referee)

Joe forces Rusev into the corner. Rusev puts Joe in the corner and lays in a few rights and left. Joe catches Rusev with a knee. Rusev responds with a strike of his own. Joe rolls out of the ring. Joe takes Rusev out with a suicide dive. After the break, Joe has Rusev in a rear chin lock. Rusev fights out of the hold. Rusev whips Joe into the corner and hits a running splash. Joe explodes out of the corner and clotheslines Rusev. Rusev catches Joe with a boot. Savate kicks buy Rusev. Rusev spear Joe in the corner, then hits a spinning heel kick. Rusev misses the Machka kick. English gets on the apron. Rusev moves out of a charging Joe’s way and Joe splashes Miz in the corner. Joe hits Sit the Hell Down on Rusev. Miz is hurt so he doesn’t make the count. Joe and Miz argue. Joe hooks Miz’s arm. Rusev Machka kicks Joe for the win.


After the match, English pulls a ladder from under the ring. Rusev hits Joe with the ladder. Rusev starts to climb the ladder but Miz pulls Rusev off the ladder and hits the Skull Crushing Finale on Rusev. Miz pulls down the MITB briefcase and parades around the ring with it. Miz puts the MITB case on the announce desk. Miz opens it and tells Saxton to read the contract because it’s going to have Miz’s name on it. The briefcase is full of pancakes. Miz goes nuts. The New Day is shown in the back pointing and laughing at a monitor.


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