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Photo Credit: New Japan Pro Wrestling

NJPW Kizuna Road Results (6/19) Super Strong Machine Retirement

Fourth Match: CHAOS (Tomohiro Ishii & Toru Yano) vs. Suzuki-gun (Taichi & Takashi Iizuka)

Suzuki-gun attack their opponents before the bell. Everyone Brawls On The Outside™.

Yano beats the count and is immediately overtaken by Taichi. Taichi chokes Yano in the corner. Iizuka tags in. Taichi removes Iizuka’s muzzle and Iizuka chews on Yano’s head. Iizuka chews on Yano’s head some more. Iizuka dodges a low blow attempt and chews on Yano’s calf muscle. Iizuka chews on Yano’s foot. Iizuka runs over to Ishii and chews on Ishii’s head and hand. Iizuka goes after the referee. Iizuka stomps away on Yano. Tachi tags in. Taichi covers Yano for two.

Yano fights back but eats a gut kick from Taichi. Taichi goes to remove his pants, but Yano blocks. Ishii tags in.

Ishii and Taichi exchange strikes. Ishii hits a back drop. Taichi hits a corner enziguri. Ishii blocks a jumping enziguri. Taichi hits a lariat. Taichi rips off his pants and hits a Buzzsaw Kick for two.

Taichi misses the Thrust Kick. Ishii hits a headbutt. Ishii hits a lariat. Yano tags in. Iizuka tags in.

Iizuka chews on Yano’s hand. Iizuka chews on Yano’s hand some more. Iizuka goes after the referee. Yano hits a cheap shot. Iizuka chokes Yano with a rope. Yano hits an inverted atomic drop. Iizuka responds with an inverted atomic drop. Taichi & Iizuka double team Yano. Iizuka chokes Yano for a two count pin.

Iizuka gets the Iron Glove from his case. Yano ducks and the referee gets knocked out. Iizuka blocks a low blow and chews Yano’s hand. Ishii fights off a double team. Yano rolls up Iizuka for the pinfall.


Fifth Match: Michael Elgin, Juice Robinson, Jeff Cobb & David Finlay vs. CHAOS (Kazuchika Okada, Hirooki GotoYOSHI-HASHI & Jay White)

Cobb and Goto start the match. They lock up. They exchange shoulder tackles. Cobb drops Goto with a stiff tackle. Finlay tags in. Okada tags in.

They lock up. Okada gets the better of Finlay and slams him to the mat with a wristlock. Okada corners Finlay. Okada misses a corner elbow and Finlay destroys him in the corner. Okada fights back with a flapjack. CHAOS clears the apron. White and Robinson brawl through the crowd. Okada dominates Finlay in the corner. YOSHI-HASHI tags in.

YOSHI-HASHI hits a suplex for two.  Goto tags in. Goto and YOSHI-HASHI hit a double shoulder tackle for two.

Goto slams Finlay and locks in a chinlock. Goto corners Finlay. White tags in.

White maintains dominance over Finlay. White hits Dusty Punches on Finlay, mocking Robinson. White knocks Robinson off the apron. Finlay tries to fight back but gets dropped by a strike from White. YOSHI-HASHI tags in.

Finlay fights back Finlay hits a dropkick. Elgin tags in. White tries a sneak attack but gets KO’d by a forearm from Elgin. Elgin slams YOSHI-HASHI and hits a slingshot senton. Elgin hits repeated lariats in the corner. Elgin hits a stalling falcon arrow for two.

YOSHI-HASHI fights back with a huge lariat. White tags in. Goto tags in. Elgin fights back and hits an Enziguri. Cobb tags in.

Cobb hits a corner lariat. Both men hit lariats. Cobb hits a deadlift gutwrench suplex for two. Okada breaks up the pin. Cobb hits a spinning Saito Suplex. Cobb misses a Moonsault on Goto. Cobb blocks a Penalty Kick. Goto hits a huge lariat.White tags in. Robinson tags in.

Robinson hits a bulldog. Robinson hits a senton. Robinson hits a corner lariat, then another. White chops at Robinson’s chest. Robinson hits a spinebuster. Everyone beats up Jay White.

Juice hits Dusty Punches. Robinson hits a Saito Suplex. Everyone hits their finishers on everyone else. Juice slams Okada. Juice and White reverse each other’s finishers. White attacks the broken left hand. White hits a Suplex. White hits Blade Runner for the pinfall.


Main Event: Super Strong Machine Commemorative Invitational Match: Super Strong Machine Ace (Hiroshi Tanahashi), Super Strong Machine No. 69 (Ryusuke Taguchi), Super Strong Machine Justice (Yuji Nagata), Super Strong Machine Buffalo (Hiroyoshi Tenzan), Super Strong Machine Don (Manabu Nakanishi) (w/ Super Strong Machine) vs. Los Ingobernables de Japon (Tetsuya Naito, BUSHI, SANADA, EVIL & Hiromu Takahashi)

Ace and Takahashi start the match. Ace locks in a side headlock. Ace hits a shoulder tackle. Ace misses a sentonand lands on his hip. Don tags in, Naito tags in.

Naito gets out of the ring and goes after Buffalo but then thinks better of it. Naito gets back in the ring. Don wins a Test of Strength but BUSHI breaks it up. BUSHI gets bodyslammed by Don. Don bodyslams Naito. Naito dodges a senton and goes after Don’s mask. Don overpowers Naito’s attempts at an Irish Whip. Don hits a back body drop. Don hits a Machine Lariat for two.

Buffalo tags in. Buffalo and Don hit double shoulder tackles. Buffalo headbutts Naito. Buffalo hits another headbutt. Naito spits at Buffalo. Buffalo hits Mongolian Chops. Machines clear the apron. Everyone hits corner lariats on Naito, while No. 69 coaches them. Buffalo hits a brainbuster. Super Strong Machine looks…impressed?…not impressed?

BUSHI knocks Buffalo off the top rope. Naito goes after Buffalo’s mask. All of LIJ go after all the Machines’ masks. BUSHI tags in. LIJ beats up Buffalo. BUSHI chokes Buffalo with a shirt. SANADA tags in.

Buffalo fights back with chops. Buffalo hits a brainbuster. EVIL stops the tag. Buffalo hits EVIL with a spinning heel kick. SANADA stops the tag. Buffalo hits Mountain Bomb. Justice tags in and clears the apron. Justice hits Naito with an overhead belly to belly. Justice hits SANADA with a Yakuza Kick and Exploder Suplex for two.

EVIL trips Justice. SANADA hits a sliding dropkick. Machines hit a huge 5-man suplex on LIJ. Justice locks EVIL in a Fujiwara Armbar. SANADA breaks it up. EVIL takes out Justice with swift kicks. BUSHI tags in.

BUSHI hits a top rope Missile Dropkick and a BUSHIroonie. No. 69 tags in. No. 69 hits rolling suplexes, but BUSHI locks in a Kimura. BUSHI hits an Enziguri. BUSHI hits an atomic drop. LIJ beat up No. 69. BUSHI gets a nearfall.

No. 69 dodges a corner lariat. Ace hits Twist and Shout. Buffalo hits a Diving Headbutt. No. 69 covers but Hiromu breaks it up. Don locks Hiromu in a torture rack and then throws him out of the ring. Ace bodyslams BUSHI. Super Strong Machine hits a Machine Lariat on Naito. Everyone hits sentons on BUSHI. Devil Windmill Suplex from No. 69. gets the pinfall.

WINNERS: SS Machine Ace, SS Machine Buffalo, SS Machine Don, SS Machine Justice, SS Machine No. 69


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