Photo Credit: NJPW World

CEOxNJPW Results (6/27) Golden Lovers/LIJ, Roppongi 3K/Taguchi Japan, More.

SECOND MATCH: Guerrillas Of Destiny (Tama Tonga & Tanga Loa) vs. Juice Robinson & David Finlay

Juice and Tanga Loa start the match. Juice gets a waistlock. Tanga Loa breaks the hold and immediately targets Juice’s broken hand. Tanga Loa drops Juice with a shoulder tackle. Juice counters with a Uranage Backbreaker. Juice hits a Russian Leg Sweep. Juice hits a Senton. Finlay tags in.

Finlay and Juice do a series of tags. They attack Tanga Loa’s arm. Juice tags in and clears the apron. They hit a double hip toss on Tanga Loa. Tama Tonga runs in the ring and gets hit with a double bulldog. GOD slides out of the ring. GOD try to leave the match but Juice and Finlay stop them. Everyone Brawls On The Outside™.

Back in the ring, GOD takes control of the match. Everyone Brawls On The Outside Some More™.

Tanga Loa slides Juice back in the ring, while Tama beats up Finlay in the crowd. Tanga Loa gets a nearfall. Tanga Loa pummels Juice in the corner. Tama Tonga takes Finlay way up into the crowd. Tama Tonga tags into the match.

Tama hits a dropkick. Tama takes his shirt off. Tama teases throwing it into the crowd but wipes his ass with it instead. Juice rolls up Tama for two.

Tama corners Juice. Tanga Loa tags in. Tanga Loa chokes Juice against the ropes. Tama Tonga tags in and pummels Juice’s mid section. Tama hits a neckbreaker. Tanga hits a leg drop. Tama hits a splash. Finlay breaks up the pinfall.

Juice counters a splash and a cameraman gets taken out. Tama Tonga clears the apron. Juice hits a Spinebuster. Finlay tags in.

Finlay hits a European Uppercut. Finlay ping pongs between GOD. Finlay hits a second rope European Uppercut for two.

Tanga Loa bodyslams Finlay. GOD hit Guerrilla Warfare but Juice breaks up the pin. Juice hits Dusty Punches on GOD. Juice hits a crescent kick but Tama Tonga hits a Cutter. Finlay counters a Cutter and hits a Uranage Backbreaker for two. Tama hits a Cutter for the pinfall.

WINNERS: Guerrillas Of Destiny
