Photo Credit: AXS TV

NJPW G1 Climax Night 7 Results (7/22) Okada/Makabe, Fale/EVIL, Page/Tanahashi, More.

SIXTH MATCH: A Block Match: Michael Elgin (4 pts) vs. YOSHI-HASHI (0 pts)

They lock up. Elgin locks in a side headlock. Elgin hits a shoulder tackle. YOSHI-HASHI and Elgin trade chops. YOSHI-HASHI sends Elgin to the apron and hits a jawbreaker. Elgin counters an apron dive. YOSHI-HASHI counters a brainbuster. YOSHI-HASHI hits a brainbuster to the outside. YOSHI-HASHI throws Elgin back in the ring.

YOSHI-HASHI puts Elgin on the top rope. Elgin crotches YOSHI-HASHI and hits a lariat. Elgin covers for two.

Elgin staggers YOSHI-HASHI with a chop. Elgin bodyslams YOSHI-HASHI and hits an elbow drop. Both men trade blows. YOSHI-HASHI hits a DDT. They trade strikes. YOSHI-HASHI hits a Hurricanrana. Elgin rolls out of the ring. YOSHI-HASHI hits a Dive to the outside. Back in the ring,  YOSHI-HASHI climbs to the top rope. YOSHI-HASHI hits a top rope Headhunter for two.

Elgin hits a German Suplex. Elgin hits an Enziguri. Elgin hits a Fisherman Spinebuster for two.

Elgin puts YOSHI-HASHI on the top rope. Elgin hits an Enziguri. Elgin hits an Avalanche Splash Mountain Powerbomb but YOSHI-HASHI counters with a Hurricanrana for two.

Elgin powers out of Karma. Both men exchange chops. Elgin goes for a Half & Half Suplex but YOSHI-HASHI counters. Elgin blocks a Thrust Kick. YOSHI-HASHI hits a German Suplex. Elgin hits a Thrust Kick. Elgin climbs to the top rope. YOSHI-HASHI hits a Powerbomb for two. YOSHI-HASHI hits a Brainbuster. YOSHI-HASHI hits a Swanton Bomb for two.

YOSHI-HASHI goes for Butterfly Lock but Elgin counters with a Swinging Samoan Facebuster. Elgin hits a corner lariat. Elgin puts YOSHI-HASHI on the top rope. Elgin hits a Superplex for two.

Elgin hits a Buckle Bomb. YOSHI-HASHI counters with a Jackknife Rollup for two. Elgin takes off hits elbow pad and hits a brutal elbow strike. YOSHI-HASHI hits a Western Lariat. Elgin hits a Half & Half Suplex. Elgin hits a huge lariat for two.

Elgin hits a Splash Mountain Powerbomb for two. Elgin pulls YOSHI-HASHI to his feet. Elgin goes for Burning Hammer but YOSHI-HASHI lands on his feet and hits a Thrust Kick. YOSHI-HASHI hits a Fisherman Buster for two.

YOSHI-HASHI hits a Back cracker. YOSHI-HASHI hits Karma for the pinfall in 14:23.