Photo Credit: WWE

WWE RAW Results (7/30): Brock Lesnar Returns, Rollins Battles McIntyre, More

Backstage, Kurt Angle tells Heyman that Lesnar is under contract and needs to appear in front of the crowd. Heyman says Lesnar fulfilled his obligation the minute Lesnar stepped into the arena. Angle tells Heyman that Heyman is under contract to WWE. If Lesnar doesn’t appear Angle is going to terminate Heyman’s contract. Heyman asks if Angle is serious. Angle tells Heyman that he isn’t kidding. Heyman sighs and walks away.

Backstage, Alexa Bliss walks up to Alicia Fox. Bliss tells Fox that Mickie James is injured so Bliss handpicked Fox to take James’ place. Bliss tells Fox to take care of Natalya and Bliss will deal with Ronda Rousey (who will be in Natalya’s corner). Fox… says Foxy things and walks away.

Natalya w/Ronda Rousey vs Alicia Fox w/Alexa Bliss

Natty floor Fox with a shoulder block. Roll up by Natty for a near fall. Fox rolls Natty up out of the corner. Natty kicks out. Natty sets up the Sharpshooter but Fox escapes to the outside. Fox trips Natty off the apron. Natty is trapped in the ring skirt. Fox beats down Natty as she is incapacitated. Fox brings Natty back into the ring and pounds on her. Natty complete destroys Fox with a discus lariat. Fox kicks out. After a distraction by Bliss, Fox catches Natty with a cross body. Natty kicks out. Northern lights by Fox. Natty kicks out again. Fox takes a swipe at Rousey on the outside. Rousey gets on the apron. Bliss cheap shots Natty. Natty walks right into a boot by Fox. Fox gets the three count.

Winner- Alicia Fox

After the match, Rousey chases Bliss into the ring. After a Judo throw, Rousey is about to put Bliss in the armbar. Fox tries to make the save but Rousey picks up Fox and hits a rolling Samoan drop. Rousey chases Bliss again. Fox attacks Rousey from behind. Fox tosses Rousey into the barricade over and over again.