tommaso ciampa
Photo Credit: WrestleZone, Tommaso Ciampa at NXT 'Takeover: Chicago' 2018

Tommaso Ciampa Talks Being NXT Champion, Gargano, And More

Tommaso Ciampa Talks Being NXT Champion, Gargano, And More
Photo Credit: posted an exclusive Q&A with NXT Champion Tomasso Ciampa. You can read more at the bolded hyperlink. Below are some highlights:

WWE.COM: My first order of business is to congratulate you on becoming NXT Champion. How do you feel?

TOMMASO CIAMPA: It’s good to be champ, and right now, there truly is no debate. I am the champion of champions. I’m the main event. I’m untouchable. I, Tommaso Ciampa, am the greatest sports-entertainer of all time.

WWE.COM: How do you respond to Johnny Gargano‘s claims that he’s the reason you became NXT Champion?

CIAMPA: Who? There is a reason why the name plates on my NXT Title say Ciampa. One person is responsible for my success. One. And his name is Ciampa.

WWE.COM: You’ve been very vocal on social media regarding your self-professed prowess. Specifically, you recently claimed you were the perfect role model for kids out there. Why is this?

CIAMPA: In a society that believes every child deserves a participation award, one man sets himself apart, and that man just so happens to be the NXT World Champion. I am not interested in participating. I am interested in winning. If you are teaching your child to be content with a participation award, then you already failed at life. If you want your kid to be a winner, then tell them to look at Tommaso Ciampa for inspiration.

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