Photo Credit: WWE

Ask WZ: How Do I Deal w/ A Loud, Snarky Wrestling Fan At Live Events?

I was sent the following the following from Twitter user @ecarter606 (Eric Carter) today in a DM via Twitter.

Eric is allowing me to share his inquiry with the WZ faithful in hopes of getting everyone’s opinions on this issue. Please feel free to shoot him a tweet about it or sound off in the comments section at the bottom of this post:

Hi Nick, I know this is going to be long winded, apologies ahead of time. I wanted your opinion. You may have covered something like this in some form and I just don’t know it. What is your opinion on obnoxious IWC guys at live events? I was at RAW in Greensboro this past Monday and had great floor seats. Unfortunately there was a guy two rows behind me that apparently has a masters degree in booking. He complained loudly the whole night and was moaning about how he was going to shred this episode of RAW on his blog. Greensboro was a hot crowd Monday night, and he couldn’t understand why. He ridiculed other fans in our area for cheering certain segments or moments. It really hurt the experience in my opinion. I understand that he bought his ticket and has a right to voice his opinion. This seems like it is hurting Wrestling overall though, in my opinion. I wanted to get your thoughts on this. Have you experienced this at events?

If you have a question, comment, concern or inquiry about WZ my Twitter handle is @WZRebel. My DMs are always open!

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