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Vince McMahon Once Pranked Donald Trump By Soaking Him In Vampire’s Blood

Vince McMahon Once Pranked Donald Trump By Soaking Him In Vampire’s Blood
Photo Credit: Flickr.com

WWE CEO Vince McMahon is well known to enjoy carrying out his share of pranks. He once used Gangrel, an Atittude Era vampire inspired character, to prank future President Donald J. Trump.

Gangrel told Chair Shots to the Cranium about a sinister McMahon prank that neither Gangrel or Trump knew about,

“I was talking to my sister the other day, and she goes, ‘all those years you wrestled and everything else and the most you’re known for is spitting on Donald Trump and beating up Geoffrey The Giraffe.”

Gangrel continued,

“The Donald Trump thing, it was a rib and Vince [McMahon’s] plan. I wasn’t even on the show at The Garden and all of a sudden, they called me at home and said, ‘Vince wants you at The Garden show.’ It’s last-second, you know I was all excited, I had always dreamed of wrestling at Madison Square Garden with WWE. I mean, The Garden is such a great venue. So I was stoked and I get there and I see I’m a special attraction with Kane. I go, ‘wow, I don’t know why they really needed me. I’m just going to be chokeslammed in three minutes and be done, but whatever, it’s cool. It’s The Garden.’ I go out to the ring and I see someone and say to myself, ‘that guy doesn’t really fit here,’ but I got the sunglasses on and the red lights are going and the energy’s going so I pretty much rush through it. I go up the steps and I can hear the people really getting behind me. I’m like, ‘Woah, this is cool. I’m over in The Garden.’ I start drinking [from the goblet filled with stage blood] and the deeper I kept drinking, the louder it got. I spray [the fake blood] and it roars so I’m guessing this whole time I was drinking down, people were trying to pull Donald Trump back, but he didn’t want to be touched so MSG security were pushing themselves against the guardrail. So they’re trying to push him even further away and I didn’t see them and I just spray as hard as I ever could spray.”

Trump was soaked and McMahon never let on that it was a prank. In fact he even utilized his daughter Stephanie in carrying out his maniacal plan,

“I was super scared I was going to get in trouble. Stephanie told me, ‘my dad’s upset, Trump is his friend.’ She wound me up for like a day and a half or something and it turns out Vince set that whole thing up. He double-ribbed all of us.”

Readers interested in listening to Gangrel’s entire interview may do so below.

(Transcription Credit: Aaron Varble – Wrestling Inc.)

Gangrel Interview

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