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Sabu Posts A Homophobic & Sexist Tweet Regarding Renee Young Announcement (NSFW)

Former ECW & WWE talent Sabu further perpetuates his controversial and divisive attitude after making the following disrespectful Tweet when responding to Taz congratulating Renee Young on her promotion to full-time member of the Raw commentary team. (Update: Sabu has since deleted the Tweet, but a screenshot of it is below)

(WARNING: the following is NSFW and contains hate speech derogatory to homosexuality and women)

Sabu has made heinous comments before, particularly around the time of the deaths of Nikolai Volkoff, Brickhouse Brown and Brian Christopher in which he made several jokes about Christopher’s passing. He also made some racially charged Tweets about WWE performer Lana.

RELATED: Sabu Uses Racial Slurs, Jokes About Brian Christopher, Nikolai Volkoff, Vader & Others In Recent Tweets


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