Photo Courtesy of Speedy's Productions

Effy Calls Out Lacey Evans For Allegedly Being Homophobic

Yesterday it was announced that NXT Superstar Lacey Evans will be a part of WWE 2K19’s DLC. One person who wasn’t thrilled about the news was another professional wrestler. Effy Gibbes, who has wrestled on cards with Evans in the past and is the current FEST Wrestling champion, tweeted out the following: “Hopefully her DLC has the taunt where she’s homophobic behind your back in a locker room until she sees you have preworkout she can borrow.”

A fan asked Effy what exactly happened, and he described what took place in the locker room. He says that Evans, who was never explicitly named but “made it as obvious as possible” who it was, allegedly complained to both other wrestlers and the promoter about having to share the locker room with a gay person. Effy, to his credit, says that he hopes “there’s been personal growth from her since then.”

Needless to say, homophobia has no place in any work place, especially pro wrestling. It also goes against WWE’s current corporate views, as the company has worked closely with GLAAD in the past despite some troubling LGBT+ portrayals in the past.

RELATED: WWE 2K19 Reveals New DLC Superstars


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