Stand Up For WWE? Sit The F Down!

Stand Up for WWE? Sit the F Down!

By Kevin Kelly


“The most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly – it must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over”

The words of Joseph Goebbels, the Propaganda Minister for Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich rang through my ears as I watched this.

I stand up for WWE…

Go F yourself…

Note to the phonies… not one of you even thanked the boys for their sacrifices in the ring. And if you did, the scum of the earth who cut that piece didn’t put that soundbyte in, so they are lower than you.

You work in a company that cares not for you but for pleasing the Emperor. You work for a company that has robbed untold millions of dollars from the government by classifying their wrestlers as independent contractors, when incarcerated felons are more independent. You work for a company that completely destroyed the territory system, put their heads in the sand about wrestling deaths and fosters a culture of a “double standard” system where the rules don’t apply equally to everyone.

Now pay attention. I have many friends in that piece who always respect my passionate opinions and some who will hate me even more than they did when I worked there. While there are good people who were featured that truly like wrestling and care about the wrestlers, most of them view it as just a job. And believe it or not, some of them even look down their noses at the business and you fans.

However, this wasn’t about the fans. This was about the State of Connecticut and a desperate, Hail Mary attempt for the McMahon for US Senate campaign. But neither throwing a deep pass nor praying to Jesus’ mother will get Linda over the hump on November 2nd.

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”, said Joseph Goebbels, the aforementioned Propaganda Minister.