Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction 8-9-12

Bully RayBully Ray def. James Storm

What I Liked:

The main event was a good one for the fans. Storm and Ray are very similar in approaches of offense. They focus on brawling, on fighting, and not on the technicality. These two have the makings of a really good feud, if given the right amount of time. I really liked the match because you really had the old school heel take over the match at the end with his antics. It felt more like a personal fight than another BFG match. Ray hides behind the ref, very cowardly, and surprises Storm with the Bubba Cutter for the win. After, Aces and Eights are on screen and say they will see Bully Ray at Hardcore Justice. Bully then yells at Storm asking why is he a target. I really am getting into this angle because I am expecting the unexpected. I really feel they are doing a solid job in playing and planning out the next step, and not rushing things. I am excited to see this play out.

Grade: B

Impact Wrestling Grade: B

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