Wrestlezone’s Top 10 Predictions for 2014

Number 9: Prestige to the Intercontinental Championship

top 10 predictions of 2014It may be difficult to expect multiple young guys how the WWE World Heavyweight Championship in 2014, but that might not be a bad thing. Big E Langston is a prime example of a guy who has everything that WWE wants. His look is unique, his strength is incredible and he continues to get better and better on the microphone. There will be many cries about the same guys holding the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, but they are the ones that sell right now. Who can Langston leap? Batista? Punk? Bryan? Cena? Orton? Lesnar? There are too many big names right now that are aiming for the world title, so maybe 2014 will be a year that the IC Title will be used for what it should be: a championship that is carried by future champions, not a place holder for guys with no creative direction.