(Spoilers) WWE SmackDown! Taping Results For 4/22

4. Wade Barrett defeated Kofi Kingston in an Intercontinental Championship match. Some low key "Let’s go Barrett" chants ring out in a see saw opening. Big Zeke hits Barrett on the outside by accident. Barrett sends him away from ringside. Couple of close calls by Kofi! Couple of missed finisher attempts and Barrett wins with a roll up and grabbing of ropes!

Ring being set up for Del Rio stint. Lots of phallic shaped balloon type things and Brodus Clay in the ring! Del Rio out to substantial heat. Apparently no one throws a party like him! He talked about him being the cause of Edge’s retirement. He had a presents for Edge: a grandfather clock, (chants of "what" start to ring out!) adult diapers is the next gift. He talks about friends. Lita’s music plays and a particularly fat lady appears! Brodus helps her into the ring. Del Rio unveils a zimmerframe (a walker) for Edge. Last gift is Ricardo Rodriguez in electric wheelchair to some very loud fireworks.

Del Rio talks about being new champ at Extreme Rules. Edge music hits to biggest pop of night! Edge rules! Edge trash talks and Brodus sent after him. Christian appears and attacks Brodus from behind with ladder. Christian hits Del Rio with the ladder on the ramp and then takes the ladder into the ring and grabs the belt! Christian music hits to end taping.

Christian on mic loving London asking for "Thank you Edge" chant. Edge music plays to huge pop and Edge comes out on disability scooter! "Hall of Fame" chant rings out. Christian gets soppy tells Edge he will take a piece of him into ring every night and without Edge there is no Christian. "I love you man," big hug. Edge says "The bastard got me to cry again!" Edge says Christian needs to take belt home at Extreme Rules. Says if he is advertised then he will turn up!

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