Detailed Interview Recap With Shane “Hurricane” Helms reader Jack E. Jones sent along the following …

Shane Helms Interview Recap from

Written by: Bob Colling from

Shane Helms is recovering from his car accident that happened awhile back. He is anxious to get himself back in the ring. He will be appearing for Remix Pro Wrestling on March 4th in Marieeta, OH. He will be there for autographs and will be there for the meet and greet at 5pm. For more information on the show please go to

Helms talks about Chris Kanyon and all the moves that he created. They would have contests to see who could invent new moves. When he went to the WWE he wanted to do the Verterbreaker but there were only a few guys he would’ve been able to use the move on. He has a new shirt where the front has him hitting the Verterbreaker and on the back it says “NSW” which means not safe for wrestling.

A caller asks what ever happened to his partner Rosey. He thinks that Rosey is still wrestling and considers him to be a good friend still. DJ Ray had a question about Sugar Babies from WCW. Helms was hoping that the girls would be signed from WCW to do the entrance in WWE.

Helms says that Highway To Helms will be returning but is going to have a new co-host because his previous co-host got involved with different projects and doesn’t have the time for the show.

OIB asks what ever happened to Evan Karagias. Helms doesn’t really know but says that they weren’t close friends in WCW and Evan never made it to the WWE. He believes that Evan is currently living in Charlotte.

The creation of the Hurricane was done completely off script. Austin had made fun of Helms for having a green lantern tattoo and the gimmick for the Hurricane was created as a result. There were people who weren’t going to get behind the gimmick. He says he was the third highest selling merchandizer in the WWE behind the Rock and Steve Austin.

Helms isn’t surprised that 3 Count is still popular, he just wonders where everyone was when they were doing the gimmick in WCW. He recalls doing house shows with Shannon Moore and the fans would want them to dance and they would do it, while Moore wouldn’t want to do it most of the time. He says that Tank Abbott was a complete maniac and could snap at any moment.

Remember, you can meet Shane Helms on March 4th at Remix Pro Wrestling. To find out more information on the show head on over to

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