Jim Ross Writes Column for Fox Sports; Claims Ric Flair-49ers Media Attention Might Be a Work, 30 Second Fury! Feat. the DDT (Video)

Is Ric Flair's 49ers Support a Work? 

WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has a featured article up on FoxSports.com this weekend. The colum, titled "Don't be surprised if Niners fall victim to Ric's slick tricks" takes a jab at Ric Flair's most recent public attention, supporting the NFL's San Franciso 49ers over his hometown Carolina Panthers. Ross suggests that the "Dirtiest Player in the Game" is merely fooling the 49ers, and will turn babyface at halftime of the NFL Playoffs game today. Of course, the column is very tongue-in-cheek, and shouldn't be taken seriously. 

30 Second Fury! DDT Edition

The following is a new WWE "30 Second Fury!" featuring the history of the DDT.