What Happened After Tonight’s WWE Smackdown Tapings?, Trailer & Synopsis Revealed for New Young Bucks Documentary

What Happened After Tonight’s WWE Smackdown Tapings?

wwe smackdownAfter tonight’s WWE Smackdown tapings ended, Dean Ambrose called out Bray Wyatt. Instead of Wyatt coming out, Seth Rollins attacked Ambrose from behind then got on the mic and cut a promo about how he is the man in WWE after his big SummerSlam win.

Rollins then went for the Pedigree, but Ambrose countered it and hit Dirty Deeds to end the show.

Trailer & Synopsis Revealed for New Young Bucks Documentary

Highspots.com has released a new documentary on former TNA tag team and current Ring of Honor tag team The Young Bucks. The documentary is called “The Young Bucks Too Sweet Journey”, and below is a synopsis and the official trailer:

The Young Bucks, Nick and Matt Jackson, are quite possibly the best tag team in the world today. Wrestling fans have seen them in big marquee matches around the world. Now for the first time ever you will get a glimpse into the Young Bucks physical and emotional journey to one of those marquee match ups as the Film Maker, James Franck, follows them to New York to wrestle The Hardy Boys.

This documentary explores how personally important this match is to Nick and Matt because The Hardy Boys were the tag team that inspired them to be who they are today. Also, in this piece you will get to see the less than glamorous side of independent pro wrestling and how deeply committed Nick and Matt are to their craft but more importantly their family.

So, sit back and enjoy this very rare in depth look into The Young Bucks physical and emotional journey to one of the biggest matches of their lives. A journey that was, 2 Sweet!