Hell in a Cell Match Infographic – Undertaker/Triple H Stats, Title Changes & Much More, The Rock Reaches Milestone, NXT TV Tapings Tonight

The Rock Reaches Milestone

The Rock has become the 15th most followed user on Instagram, as this week he surpassed 30 million followers.

NXT TV Tapings Tonight

As noted, WWE will be holding another set of NXT TV tapings tonight at Full Sail University. WZ will be posting complete spoiler results from the tapings later this evening.

Hell in a Cell Infographic

Our friend Jake Sharlpess from Rukkus.com has sent in the following Hell in a Cell infographic, providing details on the history of WWE’s Hell in a Cell match.

There have been 30 separate Hell in a Cell matches in WWE history, yet only 33 total participants. The Undertaker and Triple H have pulled a lot of weight by appearing in a combined 20 of those matches (and only two of which were against each other).

The image below provides more stats on the WWE match type:
