Sean Waltman Says Impact Wrestling Will Get Screwed by AAA, Talks the Passing of Jim Ross’ Wife, Eddie Guerrero and More

sean waltman x-pac
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Sean Waltman’s latest episode of “X-Pac 12360” featured special guest Vince Russo, and below are some highlights:

Sean on Impact and AAA deal:

“I don’t know why anyone at Impact that dealt with AAA before thinks that AAA is any different now. That’s all I have to say about that. They’re (Impact) going to end up getting screwed… AAA is going to end up trying to screw them. I guarantee you. Guarantee it.”

Sean’s Feelings on Jan Ross situation:

“I found this out while we were on the air this morning(Maria Menounos’s Conversations with Maria SiriusXM) kinda lost it… I love Jim Ross. We love Jim Ross. We as… the world of wrestling Pro Wrestling. We love you, Jim Ross… Any woman that can be married…(Emotional) Sorry… Any woman that can be married to somebody in the wrestling business for that long is a fricken saint… Even the best of us. Not that I’ve been one of the best husbands in wrestling, but even the best of us it’s a mother F’er to be married to the wrestling business… What an amazing woman Jan is(Ross’s Wife) I love her very much and I love you too Jim… Really thinking about you not stop right now and it’s hard to do the show actually. To be honest.”

Sean on Eddie Guerrero Wanted to Go on Last:

“One time in WCW on a House Show… I thought I was doing Eddie Guerrero and I a favor by having our match moved on earlier he got mad (Eddie) because he thought he was demoting us to a lower spot on the card. Even though we were getting paid the same money.”