Baron Black
Credit: Baron Black & Jonathan Gresham

Baron Black Aims To Keep Terminus 2 To The ‘Foundations & Core Of Wrestling’

Baron Black makes it clear that fans can expect even more from Terminus on February 24. Ever since Black an best friend Jonathan Gresham ran the inaugural event back on January 16, the duo began making some big announcements for the follow-up of their home-base promotion. New top names like Swerve The Realest, Davey Richards and Serena Deeb are all set to compete on the card that will stem from the Oasis Events Center in Atlanta and The Empbruh promises more to come in a new interview with WrestleZone’s Dominic DeAngelo.

“Me and Jon, we always think about interesting things,” Black said. “We have a lot of ideas that haven’t been incorporated yet so you might actually see some other cool stuff pop up very soon so that’s a little tease right there.

The first Terminus did reinvigorate some classic old school rule sets that carves out an identity for the promotion. Stipluations such as 15 minute time limits, over the top rope infractions and a strict five-count rule all apply under the Terminus book and that will continue to be a core set of ideals moving forward as Terminus develops.

“We’re always looking forward, we’re always looking trying to keep it unique while keeping it to the foundations and the core of wrestling so y’all better and y’all need to see Terminus 2 on February 24,” he said

Black is so confident in what Terminus 2 has to offer to the audience that he added an additional teaser for listeners.

“Make sure are in person or you’re watching it live cause you never know what might happen or you never know who could pop up,” he said. “Trust me, these are some outstanding match-ups. If the first three are any indication we’re just getting started. You do not want to miss the matches that are going to be released daily starting today so pay attention.”

The announced card is as follows:

  • Terminal Eliminator Match: Kenny Alfonso vs. Josh Alexander (who just had to pull from the event due to work visa issue, replace to be announced soon) vs. Leon Ruff vs. Tre Lamar
  • Adam Priest vs. Invictus Khash
  • ROH Original World Championship: Jonathan Gresham vs. Santana
  • Kevin Blackwood & Daniel Garcia vs. Dante Caballero vs. Joe Keys

Wrestlers scheduled to appear in addition to Davey Richards, Serena Deeb and Swerve The Realest are Lio Rush, Jay Lethal Gabriel Kidd and Baron Black himself.

Stay tuned for the full interview with Black coming soon to WrestleZone!

RELATED: Jay Lethal Announced For TERMINUS 2, Updated Lineup