jeff jarrett briscoe chicken farm

Jeff Jarrett Teases A Return Visit To The Briscoe Chicken Farm

Jeff Jarrett and Jay Lethal reflect on gettin’ down on the farm.

The May 3 episode of AEW Dynamite saw Jeff Jarrett, Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt & Satnam Singh visit the Briscoe Chicken Farm in Sandy Fork, Delaware. Jarrett and Lethal shared their favorite outtakes and moments from the trip during a recent interview with WrestleZone.

Jay Lethal had a clear favorite moment, one that still had him in stitches during the interview.

Lethal: “To me, it was definitely when Jeff called Mark Briscoe’s baby, he thought it was a girl and Mark had to correct him. [Laughs]”

Jarrett: “Look at him [Jay can’t stop laughing]! It was an honest mistake, Bill. Look, Jay’s still laughing about it.

Jeff Jarrett went into more detail about some of the moments that didn’t make it to air, then teased a return trip might be in order.

Jarrett: “Here’s the ‘magic’ of that. We just kind of rolled tape and the personalities of the unit weren’t really far-stretched. I would have loved to have had a camera on Sonjay’s face when I walked by the lawn mower and I said, ‘Let me hop on this thing.’ I think they’re like, ‘Is this guy, what is he doing? Is The Last Outlaw the Grass Outlaw? Is he really gonna get on this thing?’ I caught Sonjay’s reaction to that, I really wish the camera would’ve been on that.

“But it was, I hate to say this, in a lot of ways it was very, very authentic. My son Kody can recite the entire video, everybody’s word, line for line. His favorite is, ‘Papa Briscoe, which one of them? Both of them.’ There’s just one line after another after another. I hate to use the word compelling when you’re talking about that kind of piece,” Jarrett explained, “but I’m looking forward to, Bill, we’re heading back down there. I can’t wait for Karen and Satnam to maybe get in the Briscoe kitchen and start cooking, so we’ll see what happens.”

Watch the full interview with Jeff Jarrett and Jay Lethal below:

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