Brittnie Brooks
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Brittnie Brooks Shares 3 Things She’s Grateful For

It’s the season of thanks.

This week, residents across the United States will be celebrating the holiday of Thanksgiving. In addition to the tasty meals associated with this holiday, Thanksgiving is also an occasion to express gratitude for the positive aspects of one’s life. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, WrestleZone’s Ella Jay recently caught up with indie star Brittnie Brooks to find out what she’s grateful for.

For Brooks, fan support remains one of the closest things to her heart.

“I think the most important thing that I’m grateful for is just everybody that has helped me. I can send something to somebody and be like, ‘Hey, what do you think about this?’ The amount of help and support that I’ve gotten from multiple people like my coaches and just everybody around me so willing to help and so willing to [say], ‘Hey, this works, or you should try this. This is an idea.’ I love being able to just film something and send it to somebody that I care about and see their perspective on it and what they think of it. So that’s definitely the most important thing that I’m grateful for,” Brooks said.

“I’m definitely grateful for everybody who believes in me. Because, like I said, there was a time where I was really down on myself. I was like, ‘I’m the worst wrestler ever. I can’t do this, I shouldn’t be wrestling, I don’t belong here.’ Then once I started coming back, I started building more confidence in myself. Obviously still have those days where I’m just like, ‘That was a bad match and I shouldn’t be wrestling.’ Then having those people there to like say, ‘Hey, we believe in you,’ and even fans too. 100%, the fans, them believing in me and them supporting me. Fans are just so giving, so generous, and they mean the world to me.”

A Purpose Fulfilled

Outside of the fan support, Brittnie Brooks is also especially grateful for the wrestling industry itself, as she believes it’s fulfilled her purpose in life.

“The third thing would just be [that] I’m grateful for wrestling because wrestling has been a constant in my life. I would not be able to do this. Nobody would know who I am, not that anyone really does, but nobody would know who I am. Nobody would care. Wrestling is just so important to me. It has been since I was that little five-year-old girl with my John Cena headbands on and everything. I’m just so grateful that I found this and I found my purpose in life,” she said.

“My friends from high school, they’re still trying to figure out what their purpose in life is. I’m just like, ‘Dude, I’ve known since I was five years old.’ Sometimes they’re like, ‘Oh my God, you’re crazy for not wanting to go to college.’ But I feel like going to college is kind of like finding your purpose. That was literally the moniker of GCU, which was the school that I’m supposed to go to. I’m like, I already have my purpose. A purpose is different for everybody, and I feel like this is the thing that I was born to do. So I’m going to consistently go out and try to put my best effort forward and just make the most of it and make it. That’s that’s all I want.”