Photo Credit: Bill Pritchard

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Zack Sabre Jr.

#3.) He’s a vegan

That’s right, Austin Aries isn’t alone! Zack Sabre Jr. revealed to Veg News that in 2015, he had gone vegan. He watched a documentary after a PWG show called Forks Over Knives, which he states gave him more clarity into the idea of veganism. He turned vegan shortly thereafter in Japan. While Japan is far from vegan-friendly, Sabre says that it’s a work in progress and the country does have plenty of vegan options.

He also stated that by going vegan, he noticed a huge change in his body. He said that while on the road and travelling, wrestlers are bound to eat more processed food. His objective was to eat food that made him healthy and he noticed a considerable increase in energy levels during his matches.

Next Page: 5 things you didn’t know about Zack Sabre Jr.


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