WWE Fastlane Results

5 Times The Wrong Superstar Won At WWE Fastlane

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#3.) Kevin Owens vs Goldberg – 2017

The bizarre set-up of the Fastlane 2017 main event was the fact that Chris Jericho had just “approved” of Goldberg getting a Universal title shot, and he did. Fans didn’t expect Kevin Owens to win (nor did they), as Goldberg’s WrestleMania clash with Brock Lesnar was already official at that point.

Instead of giving the match even a few minutes, WWE decided to have Goldberg squash Kevin Owens and end his 180+ day Universal title reign in 22 seconds. That’s right – 22 seconds!

While we understand that Goldberg is one of the most protected superstars in wrestling history, having a DQ finish or some way for Owens to retain would likely have been a better direction. However, we do admit that Goldberg’s final match with Lesnar was nothing short of entertaining, with the 5-minute match being absolutely chaotic in the best possible way.

Next Page: 5 times the wrong superstar won at WWE Fastlane