Photo Credit: Bill Pritchard

5 Things To Expect From Jon Moxley After His WWE Run

dean ambrose
Photo Credit: Bill Pritchard

#2.) A slightly increased social media presence

Usually, WWE superstars are told that they need to keep accounts on all major social media platforms, i.e, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Dean Ambrose was the opposite of that and had zero presence on social media. His wife Renee Young revealed that the reason he had no presence online was that he “hates all of it”.

Which is why it’s funny that the first thing he did after leaving WWE was to use a social media account to promote his video. He may not like social media, but he’s smart enough to know what a major platform it is in terms of exposure. Atleast for his coming run, you can expect a little more social media presence from the former Lunatic Fringe.

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