jon moxley
Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

5 Best Moments From AEW’s Double Or Nothing

Photo by Simon Hofmann/Bongarts/Getty Images

#3.) A solid main event

Every PPV needs a solid main event as a selling point. While the hype of AEW and the success of All In was a draw in itself, they knew that they needed a big main event with two massive stars to draw interest. They turned to Kenny Omega and Chris Jericho and they were absolutely spot on in doing so.

The two biggest names that they had (up until post-main event), Jericho continued his incredible evolution as a wrestler, showing a new side of himself in the sequel to his match with Kenny Omega. It delivered in a big way and had the crowd on its feet. Not only did we get to witness the rebirth of a legend in Jericho, but we got to see Omega back in action for only the second time in 2019 (his only other match was on January 4th at Wrestle Kingdom).

And to add to it, Jericho winning came as a legitimate surprise – a pleasant one and a welcome change.

Next Page: 5 Best Moments From AEW’s Double Or Nothing


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