Photo Credit: Bill Pritchard

5 Takeaways From WWE Extreme Rules 2019

AJ Styles
Photo Credit: Bill Pritchard

#2.) The AJ StylesRicochet feud is far from over

The AJ Styles-Ricochet feud is easily one of the hottest in WWE right now and it presents and exciting young veteran in Ricochet take on a seasoned veteran and all-time great in AJ Styles. Granted, AJ Styles needed help to beat Ricochet at Extreme Rules, but despite capturing the United States Championship, the rivalry is far from over.

This rivalry is very reminiscent of AJ Styles’ rivalry with John Cena three years ago – a feud that was done with the objective of establishing Styles as a main event star. This rivalry is the same for Ricochet and we expect the outcome of their next match to be in favor of WWE’s One and Only superstar.

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