Drake Maverick
Photo by Marc Pfitzenreuter/Getty Images

5 Reasons Why The 24/7 Championship Is Consistently The Best Part Of WWE Television

(Photo by Marc Pfitzenreuter/Getty Images)

The WWE 24/7 Championship was introduced to WWE on May 20th, 2019 and for the last two months, has consistently been the most entertaining thing on WWE television. It’s a stark reminder that ultimately, what fans crave for the most is entertainment. It’s been chaotic through and through and title changes have taken place in almost every possible place in the arenas they go to.

The very fact that it spills outside to a setting outside of the building makes it all the more interesting and it’s no surprise that fans have taken to the 24/7 championship, with R-Truth at one point being voted WWE’s most popular champion while many fans declared the 24/7 championship the single best part of WWE programming.

Given its unconventional nature, we certainly don’t blame fans for thinking so. When you’ve got one aspect of the programming that’s so consistent, it’s only natural to lean towards it. Here are a few reasons why the 24/7 championship is the best thing about WWE programming right now.

Next Page: 5 Reasons Why The 24/7 Championship Is Consistently The Best Part Of WWE Television


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