ROH: A Better Minor League; Macho Man Died For Our Sins


I give C.M. Punk credit. He’s fighting the good fight. There’s no reason for WWE to own Punk’s name. An employer should not possess the ways and means to damage or minimize an employee’s career after their relationship is over. A no-compete clause for a finite period is all the protection needed.

Furthermore, Punk brought his name, persona and gimmick to WWE. Why shouldn’t he be able to take it with him when he leaves?

WWE hasn’t advanced Punk’s career. If anything, they’ve impeded it. Punk could be the best heel in wrestling if WWE would let him. He could be Piper. No kidding.


There’s a lot more to Terry Taylor’s departure from Impact than meets the eye. NO WAY a wrestling lifer voluntarily resigns from one of just two viable workplaces. Where is Taylor going to go? What’s he going to do? Work indies?

Terry’s a good guy, and excellent at his job. But he does not fit the corporate mold. There’s a major story there, perhaps one connected to ongoing legal action against TNA.

Let’s see if any of pro wrestling’s so-called “journalists” have the guts to go after it.


Former WWE writer John Piermarini disparaged me on Twitter, saying no one is knocking at MY door.

Never hoped they would, sweetheart, and certainly never waited for them to do so. Piermarini is LIVING IN THE WRESTLING BUBBLE. Success outside it doesn’t count.

Well, it counts for me.

Meanwhile, Piermarini tweets constantly about wrestling. I assume he’d do so even more if he wasn’t so busy running to the door to answer ALL THOSE DAMN KNOCKS.

This guy was in the biz 15 minutes, and he thinks he’s Pat Patterson. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Read his drivel. You can’t conclude otherwise.

Mark Madden hosts a radio show 3-6 p.m. weekdays on WXDX-FM, Pittsburgh, PA (105.9). Check out his web page at Contact Mark by emailing


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