A British Point of View: A Macho Tribute

A small tribute to a True Legend.

Some of you may know that I have just started a job back in the UK and that I have not been in the best of health recently. So when I came out of the doctors on Friday after a check up I felt a lot better and was in a great mood. This was quickly shattered when I checked my phone to find the horrific news that ‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage had passed away.

I couldn’t help the sickening feeling in my stomach as things went from feeling great to complete despair. Randy Savage was a true legend and legend is overused in today’s world but there are not many wrestlers which should get that moniker but Macho Man fully deserves it.
Randy Savage came from an era where Hulk Hogan was dominant, he was able to stand out and be his own character and play on fans emotions with ease.
My partner has not really followed wrestling and was not sure on who he was, I showed her some footage from a promo back in the day with Mean Gene and the first word out of her mouth was ‘Enigma.’ And she was 100% correct. He was strange but captivating…
 He was someone who came through your TV like everyone was watching in 3D in 1992, whether he was facing the camera or had his back to you, he still held your complete attention. With his striking voice which went from muttering to loud shouting he could make you laugh or hate him. He was a true character from an era where many people sat in the shadows. He stood out with his bright robes, over-the-top shades and colourful hats.
Randy Savage wasn’t just a fantastic entertainer; he was also a fantastic wrestler. He could go with just about anyone as proved by his many classic matches such as WrestleMania III against Ricky Steamboat and Ultimate Warrior at WrestleMania VII. We could mention many many more but one thing is certain – ‘Macho Man’ was a true hero to today’s older wrestling generation and he is a true loss to the world of professional wrestling.
I’m glad that WWE have fully acknowledge this situation but it also seems a complete shame that it has taken something so tragic to sweep the issues between Vince McMahon and Randy Savage under the carpet. I think most fans would agree when we all hope this will result in ‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage taking a deserved place in the WWE Hall Of Fame.
For the people that have worked with him, to his family and close friends, my thoughts are with you and his memory will live on for many generations to come.
If you have any thoughts or stories you’d like to share about ‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage then please feel free to contact me via email at beansontoastuk@msn.com or if you prefer Twitter you can contact me through @BeansOnToastUK