EXCLUSIVE: Still The Man; Booking Advice; Thanks J.R.


Here’s a quote from Jim Ross’ recent blog:     

"I’ve really been enjoying reading the editorials of both Kevin Kelly and Mark Madden on the ‘net. I like to read other people’s opinions of the biz especially those students of the game who are no longer immersed in the day to day minutia of the pro wrestling game. Kevin was a very underrated PXP talent and ROH is lucky to have him. Madden’s wit and natural timing has always been a hit with me. I would have loved to have broadcast back in the day with Madden as I think that we would have ‘lit it up’ even though the head honchos would have likely rather have seen two, ‘stocky’ dudes like us on the radio and not TV. Madden, like Paul Heyman, had a TV persona that was organically easy to dislike which is high praise for a wrestling villain.”

Wow. High praise indeed from one of the most knowledgeable minds in the history of the business. I’m flabbergasted and honored. The Heyman comparison is no coincidence. If I mimicked anybody, it was Paul E.

One clarification, J.R.: You’re stocky. I’m fat. I very much have an appearance that’s ideal for radio.

Speaking of Heyman, TNA is still pushing for him to join the company and would LOVE to have him at Victory Road. But it’s not going to happen. As noted in my last column, Heyman wants total and absolute control over every facet of TNA. Dixie Carter won’t agree to that, mostly because she doesn’t want anyone fired. A TNA employee recently told me that Dixie would rather fail with people she considers family than succeed by exercising good business sense and doing what’s needed.

Dixie is certainly getting her wish.


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