You Can’t Cure Stupid

William Shakespeare’s Hamlet featured the line “thou dost protest too much, methinks”. This famous quote floated through my mind as I read John Cena’s Twitter nonsense earlier this week. I’m not going to quote it… I know BS when I smell it.  

The word on the street is that Cena was royally pissed that Danielson hocked a loogie on him during the NXT angle. My only question is which of Cena’s Two Faces did Bryan spit on? 

Cena buddies up to and tries to appeal to the smart fan base with his put-over festival featuring Evan Bourne. As I wrote a couple of weeks ago, Evan Bourne, despite being an internet darling, will never be a top guy. So Cena can’t lose by putting Bourne over.  

If they bring Danielson back, Cena can put himself over as the champion of the little guy. That would be like robbing a bank, putting the gun in the hand of an innocent man, calling the cops but then standing up in court on his behalf.


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