Nick’s 1/18 Raw Review: The Good, The Bad & The Wrestling

The Wrestling

Sheamus vs Evan Bourne: This match did nothing for nobody. It didn’t help Sheamus, as we know and assume a guy like him can demolish Bourne. It furthered Bourne’s position on Raw as a jobber, and it didn’t strengthen the feud between Sheamus and Orton as the post-match saw a simple stare down with no dialogue. I understand what WWE was trying to do in booking this match, but everyone involved would have been much better served if Sheamus’ opponent was someone like Rhodes, DiBiase, Kingston, or a wrestler that could have a shot at wrestling a competitive match against the WWE Champion.

Mark Henry vs Jack Swagger: This match was booked, much like last week, to remind the audience that the Royal Rumble is coming up, and that the Royal Rumble match itself is an over-the-top rope challenge. The thing is, if you weren’t born last Tuesday or on a far away planet, then you know what the Royal Rumble match is about so there’s no need for a match like this. Not to mention that Swagger continues to buried every week, and at this point, he’s more likely to be fired at The Royal Rumble than win the 30 man match.

John Cena and Kofi Kingston vs Legacy: This was a good tag team match. It was good to see Legacy get a competitive shot against Cena and Kingston as it helps solidify them as one of the best tag teams in WWE. Additionally, the match served as a good push for Kofi Kingston who picked up a hard fought win. Overall, I was pleased with this match and the segment in general.


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