Random Thoughts: Jeff Hardy, Cena, BCS

*Saw that everyone got offended again over the Jeff Hardy thing. Why wouldn’t they? It seems that most people spend way too much time in their life following wrestling, that any time a chance comes up to criticize it they jump on the bandwagon and pretend that it bothered them way more than it actually did.

Jeff Hardy has a drug problem. Everyone knows it. He’s become a modern day wrestling equivalent of Steve Howe. It hasn’t seemed to hurt his popularity in the fan’s eyes, not surprisingly, since drugs in this day and age are cool. So why pretend that his problem doesn’t exist? In real sports they announce that their players are suspended during the broadcasts, yet in wrestling you have to go to the websites to find out. It’s like it’s been kept as a secret, when the reality is that the show would open up alot of new doors creatively if the wrestlers and announcers openly discussed drugs and steroids on the show. Would that be so offensive?

Nothing should offend anybody in the pro wrestling world. This business only gets publicity in the real world when somebody dies. Actually, the only time the business gets any pub in the real world is when somebody gets killed. Pro wrestling will never shed the image of being low brow entertainment. It’s grown men wearing bathing suits pretending to fight, and grown women competing in a sporting event where the object is to strip your opponent down to their bra and panties. Try suspending your disbelief now.

If the WWE would just admit that certain atheletes have failed drug tests, and that HHH is married to the boss’s daughter and basically runs the show, then maybe some of those reality tv fans that left this business a few years ago would start watching wrestling again since it’s not trying to insult their intelligence. And I’m not talking about admitting it to the readers of wrestlezone.com. They need to admit it on the show.

Batista beats Chris Jericho for the world title, then a week later it’s revealed he failed his post fight urinalysis for decadurabolin. Tiltle goes back to Jericho and Batista is suspended. I know for a fact that the websites would love it, since their daily traffic would approach record numbers.

Bottom line is that we shouldn’t be offended when the drug problem is addressed on the broadcast. You should be more offended that the business has pretended it doesn’t exist for this long.

*I guess it’s official. Cena is the biggest draw in the business today. Ratings up as soon as he’s back on the show. Hard for his critics to argue when he’s a living, breathing example that big guys with charisma will always be the most popular people on the show, and the biggest draws.

Then you have your Cena haters that will spend way too much time pretending that he can’t wrestle, and at the same time pretending that The Age Of The Fall is the most elite force in wrestling today. Come to think of it, now that TNA’s ratings are pretty much at a consistent 1.1, and WWE’s numbers are starting to rise with Cena back on, it seems the only group having problems is ROH, which I think is strange because I read about how great it is on the websites all the time, and how they have the world’s greatest wrestler. You think maybe the reason it doesn’t draw is because the guys are too small and the style they wrestle stinks? Oh. I’ve already said that before.

*Speaking of TNA, I wonder when the management is going to realize that they need to advertise their product if they want it to grow. They’ve been doing the same rating for a year. I would suggest the reason it isn’t going up is because nobody outside of their audience knows about it.

Here’s some pretty simple math. If you buy one lottery ticket, you’re not going to win the lottery. If you buy a hundred lottery tickets, you’re not going to win the lottery. If you buy half the lottery tickets, you have a decent chance of winning the lottery. You have to spend money to make money. It’s not that hard of a concept to grasp.

*Is it just me, or are Eric Stein’s articles way too long? I started but haven’t finished his last three. If he’s getting paid by the word, then I commend him on his recent entry onto the Forbes 500 list. When he writes I can hear the referee yelling at him half way through his articles, “Go home! Take it home!”

*Quick note on the BCS fiasco. Oklahoma goes 1-1 with a home game and a neutral site game. Texas Tech goes 1-1 with a home game and a road game. Texas goes 1-1 with no home game, and they don’t get the nod? That’s why pro football will always be the greatest sport in the world and the super bowl will be the most watched game on the planet. NCAA football is just for drunk students and alumni that gives radio sports talk shows something to argue about for the month of december. And how does the word “Series” fit into the BCS term. The only other series I know of is the world series, and that’s a playoff. NCAA football is just a joke.

*Saw a pretty cool song on youtube called Disco Disco by groovetube. That will be my new ring music when I wrestle.

Alert the media.