Title This: WWE Superstars Reaction 9-1-2011


Title This: WWE Superstars Reaction September 1, 2011

Ezekiel Jackson vs. Heath Slater Review:

Jackson starts off on the defensive, as Slater hits a few of his flashy moves. Jackson hits a clothesline, and begins pounding away at Slater. Slater hits an arm drag and takes down Jackson twice. Jackson hits some body slams, and gets Slater in the Torture Rack for the victory.


Jackson and Slater get 5 minutes in this match, as Slater carried most of the match offensively until Jackson took over. You can tell Jackson is limited in a lot of what he does, and continues to plateau at what he can do. I like the future of Jackson because he does have a great look, but Slater did what he needed to do in the ring to look impressive. Both men worked well together in the short span they got. This segment gets a C because nothing amazing stood out in the match.

Zack Ryder vs. Tyson Kidd Review:

Kidd works on the body of Ryder, punching and hitting a few moves until Ryder hits a big boot to the face of Kidd to send him to the outside. Ryder misses a body splash, and Kidd kicks away at Ryder. Ryder hits a power slam and gets a two count on Kidd. Kidd locks in the headlock, but Ryder punches out of it. He misses a drop kick, as Kidd tries for the sharpshooter. He cannot lock it in and Ryder knocks him down with elbows to the face. Ryder sets up Rough Ryder, but is reversed, and Kidd hits a dropkick to the face of Ryder. Ryder hits knees to the face, and connects with the Rough Ryder for the win.


This match featured back and forth action, with reverses and counters throughout. Ryder continues to improve in the ring, while Kidd still works well with anybody. Both men did a good job working off of each others momentum, but Ryder was able to garner more offense. I like how they continue to give time to Kidd and Ryder, even if it is time on WWE Superstars. Both men have a bright future, with two different paths in the WWE. I hope they begin to add them on Raw and Smackdown, because both men can work in the ring, and both are able to carry a good match with anyone. This segment gets a B.


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