Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction 9-1-2011

In Ring Segment Review:

Karen Jarrett is announced as the new Head of the Knockouts Division, announced by Eric Bischoff. Traci Brooks is upset at Bischoff as Jarrett makes her way down the ramp. She says she is a lady, but the knockouts are not. She appoints Traci Brooks as her executive assistant, and will obey her every word.


I like this, as Karen Jarrett is a hated character, and the power struggle for the knockout division will be seen weekly, even without in ring competition. It is the classic game of power vs. talent, and I do think it is unique and different where a few months of build will obviously split Jarrett, Brooks, and Bischoff into some sort of power struggle. This segment gets a B.

Kid Kash and Austin Aries vs Jesse Sorenson & Brian Kendrick Review:

Aries tries to tie up with Kendrick then backs off and tags in Kash, who trips him down. Kendrick reverses and catches him with some arm drags, then tags in Jesse who hits a dropkick. Kash beats him down in the corner with knees to the stomach. Aries enters, as he hits a high elbow for a two count then throws Sorenson’s head in the boot of Kash. They use quick tags to keep him isolated until Sorenson fights them off with a double dropkick. Kendrick gets the hot tag, knocks Aries and Kash down with a leg lariat, connects with a kick to Kash’s head. Kash gets up and tries sending Sorenson into the ropes but he gets back dropped over the top rope. Aries throws him into the rail. Kendrick dives towards the ramp, lands of Aries. They take their fighting backstage. Sorenson reverses a slam by Kash for the victory.


A solid tag team match, seeing Kash and Aries work very well together as a unit. Kendrick and Sorenson also can work in the ring, as I enjoy the feud between Aries and Kendrick. They are similar, yet very different in many facets. Having Sorenson pin Kash was the right decision, as it gives Sorenson some advantages in the “bragging” department. He needed it more than Kash did. Also, Kendrick and Aries leaving the match to continue fighting shows how hot their feud can be. This segment gets an A-.


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