Title This: Impact Wrestling 9-8-2011 Reaction

Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction   9-9-2011

Opening Segment Review:

Mr. Anderson starts off the show talking about how he doesn't say many words, but he kicks ass and goes home. He talks about signing a deal with the devil and joining Immortal. He blames Bully Ray for his removal from Immortal. Anderson says people are still going to hate him, as he is going after Kurt Angle. He talks about his rematch clause that he has not used, and he is being overlooked because of Sting. He cashes in his rematch for tonight and for being alone, Anderson says he wont.

Sting walks to the ring. He talks about how Immortal cost him the World Title. He calls himself a fungus who will not go away. Sting says Hogan has the power last week, but Sting has the Network behind him. Sting is the special enforcer for tonight's match between Angle and Anderson. He says he will get rid of Immortal forever.


Another solid opening of Impact showing the key players in your feuds. It is an easy transition for Anderson to inject himself in this feud, due to his continued problems with Immortal's Bully Ray. I like how they set up a main event early and quick, and not waste time as to build up what we will see tonight. Anderson has always been good on the microphone, natural and not a monotone wrestler. Sting looks to be on his side, which gets people to think if Sting will interfere in the match. He is a wild card in a match tonight where we still do not know the main event at the next PPV. Mystery is always a good thing to start a show. This segment gets a B+.

Pope and Devon vs. British Invasion (#1 Contender's Match for Tag Titles) Review:

Pope starts off hitting elbows to Magnus in the head. Pope goes after Williams, but Magnus uppercuts him and tags in Williams. They hit a double team move and get a two count on Pope. Williams hits a clothesline on Pope and beats away at him in the corner. Magnus pulls him down, hits another powerful clothesline. Pope gets a hot tag to Devon who connects with a shoulder block off the ropes. Devon hits a neckbreaker, and clotheslines British Invasion. He gets the pinfall, as Pope knocks Magnus to the outside


A match that had little to be desired. We saw zero offense from Pope, and a few moves from Devon. I like the tag team of Devon and Pope, one is athletic and one is a ground and pound guy, but we did not see any cohesion between the two in a match where they were crowned number one contenders. The match got little time, little build, and no climax to the finish. It seemed rushed and thrown together. This segment gets a D.

In Ring Segment Review:

Bully Ray begins to talk about Beer Money, how they will go down as one of the best tag teams of all time. He then bashes Beer Money, taking about how they cannot win separately, and how they are all selfish when it comes to winning. Ray talks about how he will become the World Champion. Robert Roode talks about how the best man will win, and it will either be him or James Storm. Nothing can break up Beer Money, says Roode.


I loved seeing these four guys in the ring together. We got to see Bully Ray do what he does best, and that is talk. Like him or not, he is doing a good job right now as a singles star, I just do not see him world champion material. Roode has all the tools to be a champion, but that is just my opinion. Seeing all four of these guys in the ring really got me excited for their match tonight, as well as No Surrender. They got something right with adding the best tag team in the world, along with an upcoming star in Gunner, and a veteran like Bully Ray trying to resurrect his career. This segment did everything it needed to do, pump up their matches Sunday, as well as the four corners match tonight. This segment gets an A.


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