Mount Killamanjaro: 2011 WWE Hell in a Cell PPV Preview

Hell in a Cell: World Title

If there is a single match I am most excited for on the Hell in a Cell card, this is definitely it! The crude Cell structure will definitely hide the slow, lackluster match quality that Mark Henry has been known for his entire career. More than that, this is where we find out how much stock the WWE is willing to put behind their newest World Champion. Either Henry wins and caries the belt a little further into the next PPV, or they pull the plug early and lots of angry internet fans whine in protest of another Orton run. “What is he, Super Cena?” Of course, there's always another PPV in three weeks, giving them yet another chance to put the belt back on their poster boy before Survivor Series. Personally, after watching Mark Henry tear through the roster in the last two weeks, I think the chase of Orton as challenger has been extremely entertaining. I've said this before, and I'll say it again. Hell in a Cell is where Mark Henry needs to prove himself as a dominant main event force in the WWE. They made a big deal about Randy finally hitting the RKO on Smackdown, now it's time to watch the champion kick out at the last minute, sending Orton into that frenzy he is so well known for. I had originally said that Mark Henry needs to be the first man to kick out of the Punt that has taken the WWE careers of RVD, Chris Jericho, and many more. While I still think that's the case, I no longer believe Hell in a Cell is the place for that to happen. Given the nature of the match, kicking out of the RKO will suffice for their first encounter with Henry as the champion. If he retains and they do face off at Survivor Series, then have Orton pull out his entire arsenal, including the devastating kick to the skull. I really look forward to this match, not necessarily for the in-ring content, but for a peak into the future of Mark Henry.

Prediction: Mark Henry retains the World Heavyweight title, clean.


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