What’s NOT Bothering Me (In Professional Wrestling)

Since my "Cashbox" feature this week was more than negative toward WWE and Monday's edition of Raw, I figured this was as good a time as any to focus on a few things in wrestling that's NOT bothering me.  Let's get started…

A.J. Styles vs Christopher Daniels

I've read some recent fan complaints about the new (again) feud between A.J. Styles and Christopher Daniels.  They seem to be having a hard time getting into it because it's "old news" and "been done to death".

I disagree.  I could have Styles and Daniels every day of the week, every week of the year.  They are THAT good.  They bring out the best in each other and their bests are damn near flawless.

It wasn't always like that either.  Not that the two weren't always great together "technically", but I felt Styles lacked in the promo department back then.  I believe it was Vince Russo that worked personally with Styles years ago to enhance his skills on the mic.  It was that old Southern drawl that Vince felt limited Styles and kept his mic work from matching his in-ring work.  He was right.

I've always enjoyed Daniels on the stick though.  Now that Styles can keep up vocally, the two are even better together than they were years ago.  Years ago, they were exceptional.


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