John Morrison

The Swingometer: Scoring Monday Night Raw

Segment 5: Alberto Del Rio & CM Punk promo (including later segment w/ Laurinaitis & Otunga). Score: +3

Wow Del Rio was boring on the microphone first up. The segment improved once Punk got talking, although I wonder whether he was being too real when talking about how boring Del Rio was. Booking by numbers beat down but I’ll let it go given that Del Rio returned the favour later in the show. If this was the main match at Survivor Series, you’d be worried, but it’s fine as a B attraction.

Running Score: +6 (-1,+2,+1,+1,+3)

Segment 6: Jack Swagger def. Santino Score: +1

A small positive. But Swagger feels direction-less at the moment. Santino got plenty of chants after that great “Santino’s Tea Party” segment from Manchester last year.

Running Score: +7 (-1,+2,+1,+1,+3,+1)

Kelly KellySegment 7: Kelly Kelly’s Maxim cover reveal, interrupted by Natalya & Beth Phoenix Score: 0

A necessary segment no doubt, but not particularly interesting. They tried, I’m just not sure I cared. Bring back Laycool already!

Running Score: +7 (-1,+2,+1,+1,+3,+1, 0)

Segment 8: Kevin Nash promo. Score: +3

Really good segment. Nash told a good story although I thought the delivery was sub par. Their constantly saying that Triple H will be out for another 4-5 weeks, so don’t be surprised if he’s back next week!

Running Score: +10 (-1,+2,+1,+1,+3,+1, 0,+3)

Segment 9: John Cena & Zack Ryder vs The Miz & R-Truth. Score: -1

Well, it was better than last week, and the match quality was fine. But a cheap finish makes little difference. The Rock will without question sell Survivor Series, but is it going to be anything more than a novelty main event. I’ll give it +2 for the match, but -3 for the weak ending (which I’m informed had to be shot again).

End score: +9 (-1,+2,+1,+1,+3,+1, 0,+3,-1)

Thoughts: This show had some room to breathe (as there were only 9 discernible segments rather than the usual 11). A good night for Kevin Nash and the WWE Championship feud, but it was let down by the Cena vs Miz and R-Truth stuff. I have no doubt The Rock will sell people on Survivor Series next week, but it shouldn’t be up to him alone. This would look like an awful PPV without him, and that’s not a good thing.

How would you have scored the show? You can tweet me @BobbyBamber or put a comment in the comment section below.


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