Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 11-7-2011

Mason Ryan vs. JTG:

What I Liked:   

Ryan's continued progress in the ring. He faces a much different competitor in this match, a quicker and athletic wrestler. Also, I do like that they are slowly bringing him into the fold, and not immediately pushing him as a top contender.

What I Disliked:            

JTG getting time over guys like McIntyre, Kidd, or any other more talented star. The match was slow, not exciting, and provided no really climax in the ring. They did not have a story being told other than Ryan squashing JTG. Also, Ryan is still progressing, but how long will it take for him to get over? It seems like the crowd is dead, the fans simply do not care. Fix this by giving him a decent mid card feud, something with Swagger would make sense and would give him a veteran wrestler carrying him, because he needs carried.

Grade: C-

Alberto Del Rio vs. Kofi Kingston/CM Punk interrupts

What I Liked:

Alberto and Kofi work well together, as both men are very similar in their offensive arsenal. It was perfect to have Del Rio be interrupted by Punk here, as this is the one feud that needs the most time and most "personal" build. Let's face it, if the feud between Del Rio and Punk is going to work, they must have Punk carry the microphone work during segments. It was put on a perfect time, just about the beginning of the second hour. I really liked how punk spoke truth on Del Rio, as he exposes his weaknesses that everybody sees in him. It was nice for Del Rio to steal Punk's words.

What I Disliked:

Having Del Rio squash Kofi. This seems to be a 30 day irrelavancy of the Tag Team Championships. Bourne and Kofi had so much steam, and was given so much push each week. Now, they seem to be a pushover for the forseeable future. The match was too quick, too rushed, and made Kofi look terrible.

Grade: B-


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