Stars In Progress…Orton, Brodus, TNA PPVs, Y2J & More

Daniel Bryan
Another Step Up

D. Bryan is on a roll. His transition into a cocky heel has been entertaining. Effective too, most importantly. He also seems more comfortable on the mic now. That alone is a vast improvement.

My question all along has been whether or not Bryan is capable of maintaining on top. Without support from Vince McMahon, that's a simple "No." However, it seems Vince is putting at least a modicum of creativity in DB's character. It's refreshing to see, but is it enough?

I believe Daniel Bryan is up against a clock. Time is not his friend right now. I personally don't see him headlining WrestleMania this year. Will his push as Champion be enough by the time he loses the title to keep him in a main event spot on Smackdown? I'm not so sure.

If I'm correct in my belief that he won't still be wearing the gold come WrestleMania, he most likely loses it at the Rumble or Elimination Chamber. Then what?

I'll say this: if Daniel Bryan's run as World Heavyweight Champion does nothing more than settle him into a proper heel and gives his character purpose moving forward, I'm perfectly okay with that. The title wasn't necessary in order to do that, but if it's the only reason Vince finally decided to take Bryan serious, than I guess it was in his case.


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