Stars In Progress…Orton, Brodus, TNA PPVs, Y2J & More

Brodus Clay

One Forced Step Up!?

I was wrong.

After my Cashbox column on Wednesday and the overwhelming response I received, I have been "intelligently" forced to change my opinion. Brodus Clay's new gimmick isn't ruining his chances of stardom as I described. Rather, it has a "Star!" written all over it.

I was wrong.

The fact that I'm already annoyed by his awkward dance routine and the retarded look on his face when he bumps butts with the strippers — after only seeing it twice — doesn't mean he's destined to become nothing more than a comedy act. The reaction (or lack thereof) he received for the second week in a row should not be viewed as a negative either. He'll grow on people. It's just going to take time.

I was wrong.

The fact that what I actually wrote in my column got interpreted to mean Brodus Clay will NEVER be successful is where the truth really lies. My wanting more for a return that was teased and hyped for months was simply wishful thinking. The expectation of another strong heel was silly of me in the first place. We have Mark Henry and Kane! There's simply no room for another.

You were right. I was wrong. Happy?