Stars In Progress…Y2J, Barrett, Crimson, The Rumble & More

X-Pac/Billy Gunn
One Step Up

Josh Isenberg and I will be heading to St. Louis next weekend for the 2012 edition of the Royal Rumble. We'll be sending in reports to WrestleZone all day Sunday, so make sure you visit regularly for the coverage. Additionally, we'll be attending X-Pac and Billy Gunn's after-party at the Tigin Irish Pub in downtown St. Louis. I may be looking forward to that as much as I am the actual Rumble.

In Atlanta last year during WrestleMania weekend, Josh, Justin Labar and I all went to Kevin Nash and Waltmans' pre-party at the Sutra Lounge. Road Dogg was there in great spirits. Raven was an odd addition, but a good one. And Amber O'Neal and Melissa Coates showed up as well. Ask LaBar about Melissa Coates! I'm curious to how he responds…if he responds.

If you're heading to St. Louis, I encourage you to join us after the Rumble. It's only $10 to get in and if Atlanta was any indication, this party will be a blast as well. It's a unique experience to "party" with former or current superstars. It's a more relaxed environment and you're not rushed through lines like cattle.

Billy Gunn and Sean Waltman are good guys with a ton of stories to share. And if that's not enough to entice you, I'll be there! Tweet me @RealityofChris if you plan on partying with us after the Rumble Sunday night. Can't wait to meet ya there!

To purchase tickets to the after-party and for more information on the event, visit


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