Stars In Progress…Y2J, Barrett, Crimson, The Rumble & More

The 2012 Royal Rumble
One Expected Step Up

I'm not sure the actual Royal Rumble match will satisfy most fans if Randy Orton ends up winning as rumored, but I expect this particular event to be remembered for something else when it's all said and done. I see something "bigger" unfolding next Sunday.

The obvious choice would be Chris Jericho and revealing his purpose. I don't necessarily expect WWE to give us everything as it relates to Jericho's plans going forward, but at the very least, we should find out who he's targeting. CM Punk, anyone? If you want ultimate heat on Chris Jericho, he could cost Punk the title. The concern there is whether or not Dolph Ziggler is ready.

As much as I think of Dolph and his potential in 2012, I don't think it's time for him yet.

If the Rumble match goes on last as suspected, Nick Paglino brought up an interesting idea on Monday's VOW radio show. Dolph could get a huge rub if he puts on a good showing during his match with Punk, only to come up short, but enters and wins the actual Rumble. It doesn't have to affect anything with Jericho and Punk if that's the direction they decide to take, but it could be huge for Dolph and his future.

If Punk holds on to his title like I assume he will, it adds more credence to the idea of the World Heavyweight Championship changing hands. Again, this is a situation that I'd rather not happen, but it could. I'm liking Daniel Bryan and he's much more effective as a heel. However, he won't remain a credible main-eventer without more time on top. That's the ONLY thing that will help him at this point. I'm afraid that's likely the one thing he has the least of at this point. I doubt Vince has bought into him completely.

WWE has teased and teased us. They've been on the brink of something huge for months now, but something always seems to make them change their mind at the last minute. Reigning in CM Punk after he took the world by surprise with one promo. The conspiracy angle against Punk that never amounted to anything. Nash's return, in general, and the idea that Vince decided he no longer wanted factions in pro wrestling. Miz's up and down ride as of late. A possible Cena HEEL turn!

I've excused WWE's rushed angles, misdirections, and shortcomings a lot lately, believing they are waiting to strike with something huge. Could the Rumble be the night for that strike? Probably not completely, but it could be a start.

I'm not waiting for another "moment" in wrestling. WWE has given us plenty of those lately. I'm holding my breath for a moment and a FOLLOW-UP to that moment. Something that changes the landscape of wrestling for longer than a night, a week, or a couple months. They have the pieces to that puzzle in place. Now, they just need to capitalize.

St. Louis could very well be the place. This Sunday could very well be the time. Who's excited now?!

Chris Cash can be reached via email at Follow him on Twitter @RealityofChris.


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