Top 10

WrestleZone’s Top Five: Elimination Chamber Matches

Number 2: Elimination Chamber 2010


The Undertaker, Rey Mysterio, CM Punk, Chris Jericho, R Truth, and John Morrison would all compete for the World Heavyweight Championship. As The Undertaker held the gold, he would be forced to fight off 5 wrestlers who rely on skill, athleticism, and creativity. Did anybody really expect Taker to lose here? I sure did not, but it would have to start with Punk and R-Truth in a match with not too much anticipation. The battle back and forth was great, but resulted in Truth eliminated before any other competitor entered. Punk would face off with Mysterio, and before anyone else came in, Mysterio would eliminate Punk. Jericho would enter, followed by Morrison. They all would put on great athletic moves, including an impressive Starship Pain from a pod. Taker would eliminate Morrison, thus facing Chris Jericho. Jericho was down and out, but Shawn Michaels came up from under the ring and connected with a picture perfect Sweet Chin Music on The Undertaker. This allowed Chris Jericho to capture the World Heavyweight Championship. What did this night provide? It gave us Jericho vs. Edge for the World Title in Arizona at WM 26, but it gave us the last curtain call for Shawn Michaels. Taker/Michaels II would steal the show at WrestleMania, and definitely did not need a belt to make it memorable. Elimination Chamber 2010 was the beginning of the end, and thus is number 2 on my list as E.C. matches.


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