Stars In Progress…Brodus Clay, CM Punk, Big Show & More

Before I get started, be sure to check out my "VOW Reaction" show tonight, immediately following the Elimination Chamber ppv, on and It will be a LIVE VIDEO broadcast where I run down what happens on tonight's event, take your phone calls and chat room questions/comments, plus I'll be joined by Nick Paglino and Mike Killam. Visit for details, to view the live stream and join the chat room during the show.

Now, to the stars we go…

Brodus Clay
One Unknown Step

I don't get it either. Why Vince decided to take Brodus off tv all of a sudden makes very little sense. The reports say it's because Clay wasn't ready and needed to work on his wrestling. If that's true, then the entire WWE organization takes about 20 steps down. How would they have not known that before he returned as the Funkasaurus?

Did they watch ANY of his old matches? Better yet, what on earth was Brodus Clay doing while he was off television for months leading up to his return? Did his training not extend beyond his entrance and dance routine?

I don't get it.

However, I'm not going to say that this particular time off is going to hurt Brodus Clay. We now know what to expect with his new gimmick. Some time off could actually help when he returns (again), but not if it's more of the same. He needs a program.

The gimmick has been established. It's been widely accepted by most. Brodus should now move on from squash matches and find some sort of purpose on television each week. The US or IC title picture would be my personal preference, but anything meaningful will suffice.


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