CM Punk/Chris Brown= Work Or Shoot?, Hell In A Cell Outside


CM PunkCM Punk/Chris Brown= Work Or Shoot?

I wish MTV still had Celebrity Death Match on the air with Stone Cold on commentary. We would get to see a wacky animated fight of Chris Brown vs CM Punk and that is the only way we will see it.

Many times when something happens outside of the wrestling ring we have to consider is this a “work” or a “shoot?”

CM Punk and Chris Brown's battle on Twitter is the latest situation where people are asking me if I think this is legitimate or some setup for a publicity angle. No way this is any kind of work. WWE isn't that dumb to associate themselves of being in business with the kind of reputation Chris Brown has to the general population and CM Punk wouldn't do it if asked.

It's no secret CM Punk does things on his terms and in no way is doing a money or publicity angle with someone like Chris Brown in his consideration.

WWE is smart in promoting it and letting it go on, for now. National media and twitter has latched on to this and it's been great free publicity for WWE and CM Punk. It's also a scenario for WWE to be in the mainstream media and there is virtually no shots or punch lines to be taken at their expense.

WWE is being the ultimate babyface against the ultimate heel. CM Punk is standing up to Chris Brown and saying what seems to be a majority of the audience feels and supports. I do recognize that not everyone hates or even cares about Chris Brown, but it seems there are plenty of people who do hate him.

So how long does this go? I would imagine this isn't even still making headlines by the next episode of RAW. How much bigger could this possibly go? CM Punk has spoken intelligently on his feelings and offered to fight Brown. In response, Brown continues to try and come up with his best “pipe bombs” such as wrestling and wrestlers aren't forever but music is. Apparently he forgot the thousands of one hit wonders who burn out and never are heard from again.

I doubt CM Punk will continue to take the time to address this in videos unless Brown actually agreed to fight him which won't happen. While I will say that I am apart of the majority that enjoys CM Punk saying what he is saying to Brown, can't help but hope this doesn't escalate.

Every day I get people who remind me that they don't like me, don't like what I do, say on Wrestlezone, point out my every mistake or thing they don't like that isn't even something I can control. Their dislike for me is their god given right to not like me and be a critic. At the end of the day its just words and a persons opinion. We all have in the past or currently deal with money troubles, sickness, sadness and death- at the end of the day the negative words aren't that important. The trouble is with the CM Punk vs Chris Brown verbal war, Punk will pipe bomb him all day but eventually if things escalated to a point, if the coward will hit a woman, who knows what physical cheap shot he would consider taking or pay someone to take.

On page 2: The debate of Hell in a Cell in an outdoor stadium and hilarious questions!


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