Steve Austin

What’s NOT Bothering Me?: Rock Returns, Santino, Best Ever

Some positives in pro wrestling this week…

#3. Steve Austin Praises HBK

Austin said about HBK in a recent interview, “He is the greatest in ring performer I have ever seen.”

There were better talkers. There were better technicians. But from a pure entertainment standpoint from bell one to bell two, Shawn Michaels was truly one of the best, if not THE best.

My personal opinion? I think the idea of “Shawn Michaels is the best in ring performer of all time” is no longer an opinion. Too many people that matter have attested to just that. And no, I’m not including myself in that list.

I do know one guy, however, that “might” not agree with Austin on this one. I won’t give it away, but here’s a hint: his name begins with “B” and ends with “ret Hart.”


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