Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction For 3/8/12

Impact WrestlingOpening Segment:

Ric Flair, Gunner, and Eric Bischoff come out to start the show. They talk about booking a tag match with Gunner and Garret involved. They say that nobody will want to be Garret's partner. Kurt Angle comes out and says he would be happy to face Garret because he doesn't respect him and Garret doesn't respect Eric.

Sting is backstage with Eric Young and books him with ODB in a Knockout's Tag Team Championship match up next. Sting also says his focus is on Bobby Roode.

I felt the beginning started off slow, not really focusing on the big angles and storylines they have invested time into. You need to start with Roode instead of Garret. I really wish that they would either start with something really meaningful or have a match to get the action going. It does not make sense to have this angle start off Impact. Also, enough of the two segments back to back. WWE does it too, and it gets repetitive. Space out your out of ring action.

Grade: C-

Eric Young and ODB def. Madison Rayne and Gail Kim to win the Knockout's Tag Team Championship:

What I Liked:

For some reason, I like ODB. She is unique and different in a TNA locker room full of typical blondes. Her, Kim, and Mickie James are three different but effective knockouts. I felt like her strength, including body slams and back drops, is an effective way to be different and step out of her comfort zone. ODB looked more of a brawler tonight and took control of a good part of the match, specifically in the beginning.

What I Disliked:

I just do not like this story with Eric Young. Young annoys me, has minimal talent, and is a mid to lower card talent on the roster with no creativity. His role as the underdog has ran out in my eyes. Also, who cares about him and ODB getting married? Those angles are only interesting when it has to deal with main event talent, such as Macho Man, Triple H, and Edge.

Grade: C

A man names James Park is shown entering the arena. Also, Aries is upset Sting booked him in a match tonight. He says he won't defend his title if he wins tonight. He will show him what Showtime is all about.


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